Wednesday, January 23, 2008


An Iceberg, were as you can see 90% of it is under water. The author is the man or woman who took the picture. It is the person who was kind enough to dive into the icy water with a camera and take a picture. A person who knew the importance of being able to understand the world around you. The audience could be for a young child to look at and say the world iceberg. It should be for a teen to learn how the titanic went down. It was taken for adults to reflect upon. Don’t forget the elderly who can use it as a calming picture. Overall all people can use and love this picture. it is not meant for just one person. Purpose I believe that the purpose of the picture is to make you wonder. To make you think about all the options you have in life. Your life is just like an iceberg. You live part of it but so much of it never gets played out. This could be because you were scared to live, to let go. It should be because you took a different path in life. Or this picture could be a teaching aid, this could be in textbooks to show kids who they form. Why the Titanic sank so many years ago.

Emotional appeal or Pathos has a strong hold of this picture. People who look at this picture feel a sense of wonder. Looking at it one can ponder how the iceberg is so large underneath. How it can do so much damage because so much is hidden. You can see the light that floats through the water. Bringing your spirits up. Making you feel hope and wonder.

Ethos or the credibility of the picture and Logos, the logic, is an important part of the overall picture too. I do not know who took it but I do know that it is valid. One can see the deep blue ice that is covered compared to the lighter ice that is floating on top. It is a common known fact that icebergs do indeed have a much bigger base than they do floating on top of the surface. Here it gives you a clear and logical understanding of the picture.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

A Shitty First Draft

I think that we all have a hard time putting our words onto paper. I know for me, I can sit in a room all by myself and hear my thoughts, thoughts I could fall in love with. Thoughts I want to tell the world. But when I sit down I get so nervous that I can remember them. I love to write. i love how when I am one my head feels free, like a heavy load has been taken off. I love to see my words in bold black ink sprawled across a fresh white page. I just have the hardest time getting them onto the page.

I would most defiantly agreed with Anne Lmaott about how one has to simply fill pages upon pages with words, sometimes nonsense simply to get it off your mind. Fearful that someone will somehow see what you have said, hoping you can change it before it is too late. Yet again she is right; she said that once you have gotten it all down you take a deep breath, and go back with a red pen. Nothing you put down is set in stone. It can always be changed. I think that one of the hardest things for me was to ask for help when I need change. But if you edit your own paper I think that you will miss a lot of little things someone else will see.

Writing is not an easy task for me, and to be honest if it is a topic I don’t like then I truly hate it. But I cannot deny the fact that if I can simply empty my head of the stresses of life, I am truly grateful for it. Writing can be looked at in so many ways. I just hope that people get the same release from it as I do.

For the conclusion of Anne’s essay she spoke of mince being closed in a glass jar. That is an amazing analogy. I can truly understand how she feels by taking the voices in her head and placing them in a jar. It can only be described as a truly liberating feeling.

my fisrst week at school

This is my first week of the second semester. I really like it up here, though i miss my family at home. My classes are harder this semester than they were last semester... so i will have plenty of work cut out for me. My favorite class is psychology 240. it is the study of human development. i also love my anatomy class. i go to lab for the first time this week, i cant wait untill i can see the bones and mucles in person! anywho now i must be off to cach the buss so i may have lunch with a friend!