Wednesday, January 23, 2008


An Iceberg, were as you can see 90% of it is under water. The author is the man or woman who took the picture. It is the person who was kind enough to dive into the icy water with a camera and take a picture. A person who knew the importance of being able to understand the world around you. The audience could be for a young child to look at and say the world iceberg. It should be for a teen to learn how the titanic went down. It was taken for adults to reflect upon. Don’t forget the elderly who can use it as a calming picture. Overall all people can use and love this picture. it is not meant for just one person. Purpose I believe that the purpose of the picture is to make you wonder. To make you think about all the options you have in life. Your life is just like an iceberg. You live part of it but so much of it never gets played out. This could be because you were scared to live, to let go. It should be because you took a different path in life. Or this picture could be a teaching aid, this could be in textbooks to show kids who they form. Why the Titanic sank so many years ago.

Emotional appeal or Pathos has a strong hold of this picture. People who look at this picture feel a sense of wonder. Looking at it one can ponder how the iceberg is so large underneath. How it can do so much damage because so much is hidden. You can see the light that floats through the water. Bringing your spirits up. Making you feel hope and wonder.

Ethos or the credibility of the picture and Logos, the logic, is an important part of the overall picture too. I do not know who took it but I do know that it is valid. One can see the deep blue ice that is covered compared to the lighter ice that is floating on top. It is a common known fact that icebergs do indeed have a much bigger base than they do floating on top of the surface. Here it gives you a clear and logical understanding of the picture.

1 comment:

Miss Villegas said...

I am interested in where you found this image. It could give us a bit more insight into the author, audience, and purpose. If it first appeared in a National Geographic magazine it would mean one thing, or if it is one of those photos from an inspirational calendar it could mean another.
I also really like how you organized your reflection on the image. It is always so much better to read something that is organized and soothing to the eye.