Thursday, February 7, 2008

Gender Roles

"What? Dinner not ready yet?! What have you ben doing?"

The two diffrent images have two very diffretn meanign. The black and white one, is supposed to be the classic role of a woman. She is supposed to take care of the kids, clean the house and cook dinner. Be the hometaker. When the father or man of the house gets home he expects the woman to have it all done; dinner ready, house clean and kids behaving. When in reality she works juat as hard as he does with rasing the kids and keeping the house. why should she be expected to do everything?
This is why i like the color picture of the woman. she is doing the mans job. provong that she can. does that prove that men can take care of the kids and cook dinner? It is my opnion that women are just as good as men. we are all equal. granted yes, each gender may excell in one area or another, but we are all human, and all eequal.
Pople are suck in a rut, we seem to think that if you are male you can not be a nurse or a stay at hime mom.People can be what ever they want ot be. Women can be a fire fighter, or a police man if they want. in fact, i think that anyone who satnd up in what they beleive in should be prased. i am pround of our male nurses and femail cops. I like our femail mechanics.
i am proud to say that my father was a saty at home father as much as he could. and one day i hope to be as independant and inseprational as he is.

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