Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Allegory of the Cave

This image is shows the story. As you can see there are people who can not move and see only shadows, also known as presniors. Then there are the guards. they are the ones holding up the objects in the back. they are allowed to see the objects and the fire. yet both groups have not seen the real world. The lucky few who have seen the real world know that everything in the cave is an illusion of reality. In the story one of the presinors is able to escape. he see the guards and the objects. he is blinded by the fire. until he finds his way to the outside of the cave and is set free. At first he is scared and can not see anything. but eventually his eyes adjust to the light and he is able to see the grass, trees, and colors in the world. He now knows his life was only half lived. trying to help the others he goes back down to tell them about it and they think he is crazy, they say he has spoiled his eyes and do not want to go up with him.

When looking at this essay one can look at the levels of the people. The upper class, are the people who are allowed to see the world. the middle class, the gourds. they have a decent life. they know real objects but they still are missing the joy of outside. wind in their face or sunlight warming their skin. and last, the lower class or prisionors. they do not get anything that is real. they have been tricked the whole time.

Sadly the prisoners were given the choice to be free, to become the upper class. but they said no. they were so scared or set in their ways that they would not try something new. believing and seeing is something the world needs to be open to. The Cave is a wonderful example of how people should be more open to peoples ideas. How we should look at what we are doing because we may be the ones in the dark.

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