Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Life it hard

Change is supposed to be a part of every one’s life, I know this. I have always known this. But when everything moves one you then how do you handle it? My grandmother was diagnosed with cancer last month. It was a lot to take in. she turned eighty just a few weeks ago and yet she is going to go on kemo. I don’t know if it is better that she wants to hold on…or if she could just let nature take its course I have seen how the kemo rips apart a young person…so what makes me think at eighty she will be ok with the treatment. Then on top of that my boyfriend is moving….he is the person that can make me smile after a long day the one I talk to when I am in need, the one I love. And he is moving away. I am scared on how it will affect our relationship. If all that is not enough to make a day wonderful, my best friend I met up here in college cannot afford to stay here, so she too is moving back to home….mind you home for her is in Hawaii. Such a far off place, I fear I will never see the three of them again. All I can hope for is that everyone is ok where they end up. I am happy that one day my grandmother will be reunited with my grandfather, I just do not want it to be any time soon. I feel like I have no control over my life and that I am falling in to a deep black pit. That no one can hear me because no one is left, and I am scared. I don’t want to be alone. Please don’t let be alone.

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