Monday, April 7, 2008


The buses here on campus are used very often by many students. i know that i ride them around 4 to 6 times a day because i have alternating classes on north and south campus. there has recently been an article in the LUMBER JACK paper talking about how the system will be changing. NAU will not be having their own buses soon. They plan on letting the city buss take over all the stops on campus. the major push is that the city buses are good for the environment because they use less gas. There are a few point of interest that they seem to be leaving out. i have talked to some of the on campus drives and they say that if the city does take over they will have only a few stops and it will leave the poor freshmen in McConnell out of the loop completely. It is the freshmen who will be using the bus the most because it is most likly that they are the ones with out a car. We as students should put a stop to this transfer of buses. We pay enough to keep the buses running from our tuition. Oe they could charge the students a fee for the year to ride the bus. I am not sure what to do but i know we need to act quickly, or we wont have them for much longer.

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