Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sex Education in the United States

Looking at the United States one can see the amount of teen pregnancies and abortion rates are much higher than one would like. Especially if you compare the United States to another country, as a matter of fact, almost any other country. One may ask why this is, what is the United States doing wrong? I have been doing research on the topic and on e of the most common things I have come upon is what we chose to teach the children of America, if we do at all. In the United States we push abstinence. Almost all of our government funds for sexual education go to the one and only topic. This is much different than what West Europe teaches their youth. Yes, they do talk about abstinence, but it is a small part of the sexual education class. They main push that they have is safe sex. They teach kids how to use condoms and what birth control will do to help. West Europe also makes birth control and condoms readily available to children very early in life. This plan must be working because they have a very low rate of unwanted pregnancies and abortions. Compared to the United States a teen girl cannot get birth control without a parent until they are eighteen. To sum it up, I think that if the United States would teach a different curriculum in the schools, we too would have a much lower unwanted birth and abortion rates.

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